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Ice Schedule

Ice Schedule Guidelines

At the beginning of each season, there are typically many questions regarding the scheduling of ice time. As a result, we want to provide you with information on the scheduling process and the approximate timing of when practice schedules can be released.

  • Each fall every association provides Districts with 12 time slots for each of the traveling teams for scheduling home games. 
  • The District then schedules 7-10 home games for each of the teams and returns the unscheduled hours back to the associations. 
  • The timing of receiving games varies for each level and occurs in two general time frames:
    • Mid-October for those teams that begin league play at the beginning of November 
    • Late October/early November for those teams that begin league play in mid-November. 
  • Therefore, FLHA cannot release November practice schedules until game schedules are received back from the District. 
  • Should FLHA release practice schedules earlier, there is the risk that teams may be scheduled for both a practice and a game on the same day. 
  • By late November, FLHA is able to schedule practices for December.  
  • By mid-December, January and the first week of February schedules can then be released.  
  • The schedule for the rest of February cannot be released until it is known where teams are seeded within the playoff brackets, which is only done after all District games within that team's level have been completed.

Scheduled Practices

Practice Start Times (School Nights) 

As a guideline, practice start times on evenings when players have school the next day, is generally no later than the following:

• Mites & U8 – 7:30pm

• Squirts & U10 – 8pm

• Peewee, U12, Bantam, U15 & Jr. Gold – 9:30 pm

Practice times for all teams can reflect 60-, 75- and 90-minute ice times.  Please be sure to check the start and end times of all your players' practices. 

Due to the amount of ice purchased by FLHA, there may be weekend days that a team may have a scheduled game and a scheduled practice later that same day. 

2023-2024 Master Ice Schedule